Thursday, 19 December 2013

Questions of Life

11.   What would you do with the last day of your life?
I would first begin by spending, as much time as I can with loved ones. The next thing that would be done on this day would be all the many things I enjoy doing. Remembering all of the memories that I have had and experienced would be another thing that occurs on this day.

21. What would your final words/ thoughts be?
My final words would be words along the lines of encouragement, thanks, and happiness. Everything that I have lived for and believed in would all be connected with the last words that I would have. Religion, family, friends, and everything I believe in would be my last words. 

Word Cloud Thoughts

Some of the major themes, symbols, and big ideas were quite obvious and did stand out. However the most unique ones are secretly hidden inside the text. Themes such as fear, gender, and fate stood out to me especially in this text. What the word cloud did was it truly portray these words as a whole. Once the image was created I found it actually made these words come to life. They were not just words anymore but actual physical problems and emotions that are represented in this book, A Thousand Splendid Suns. These are the secret words that are not written one paper that make up this book. Being a reader it allows us to really understand the overall picture and message the book is giving us. With out these key devices the readers are simply lost with how to perceive the book. This word cloud just allows the readers to see it more clear and to get the overall image. It is a powerful device, portraying the words in a picture. The image of a hand was selected for this word cloud to represent the laws that are enforced in Afghanistan at the time. The sign of a hand also represents stopping of something. The power of stopping something plays an important role in this book. All of these reasons are artistically shown in my word cloud.  

ISU Decision

After searching for an ISU for quite some time I finally decided on the book that I will be reading. There were many options to chose but after many discussions involving the ISU a final choice was made. The book that I will be reading for my ISU this year will be Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier. I decided to read this book for my ISU because the major theme in this book is similar to the major theme in the book A Thousand Splendid Suns. The theme of women appears in both books. The strength and struggle of women is huge in the novels. These two books are quite similar but still have their differences. This is the reason why these two novels will be excellent to compare and contrast. And this is my explanation for my novel.

Monday, 25 November 2013

The Expectations of the Novel

The novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns was a well-structured, interesting book. I found as a reader that the novel touched on some very important issues that occur in the world today. This book made me realize the brutality and struggles people have in their lives in different countries. The way that the author made the readers stay in tuned with the novel was interesting as well. He brought back significant points back into the book. For example the character of Jalil was introduced at the beginning of the book and was not brought back until the end of the book. But his presence dug up some unfinished answers for the readers. It allows us to clue in and piece certain parts of the book together. In the end I did find that the book was a well-written, complex book. It was a well chosen book to study in a school environment as well. However if it was any younger grade reading this I think I wouldn’t approve of that.            

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

1979 in Afghanistan

Reliable sources are always key when writing an essay or even just trying to find the best information possible. Researchers usually look for if the information is written in chronological order in terms of the events that occurred, the word choice and the over all understanding of the topic. Well-known sites are always helpful to researchers. If the site has a good reputation the researchers can rely on the sufficient information that they are reading. Once researchers see the same facts on different websites you can almost guarantee that the information is correct. This is a simple way of double-checking your facts.   

The research that was collected from many reliable sources showed key facts to the researchers. The main idea during this time period in Afghanistan was that a civil war broke out. The country during the 1970’s was already started to become corrupt. Once the prime minister, Hazifullah Amin was killed a new leader came into power. Babrak Kamal replaced the old prime minister. The Russians backed this man. During this time a group of Afghani people started a motion called Mujahdeen. This motion was created because the new prime minister wanted to abolish the Muslim traditions. The people at the time would not have it. The Russians, who were heavily involved in this countries economy and political state decided to send in many troops into Afghanistan to fight against these rebels. The funny thing was, was that the Russians didn’t send in many of their own soldiers but the Afghani men. This was the reason why the war that occurred in the 1970s to 1980s was called the civil war of Afghanistan.   

Advice From Chapter 6

Oh Mariam Jo this is truly an awful thing that has happened to you and to all of us. But my child you must remember and promise me that you do not, do not blame your self. Your mother was a troubled woman. She just happened to do this to herself. We know she loved you very much my dear. You were her prized possession in this world. You meant everything to your dear mother. She was so proud of you too Even though you know she didn’t always praise you, you know she honored you in her own way. This is why Mariam you must not be angry with your self. Tragedy and regret are the two scariest things in the world. It’s okay to be sad about your mother. But do not blame yourself. Mariam you must know and understand that God chooses only a hand full of special and important people to have with him. Your mother was one of those people. God is so grateful to have another loving, caring angle up there in heaven with him right now. And that is where she is. She will be watching over you, and loving you forever. When every you miss her, or want to see her, simply look around you, she’s here. Whether it is in the kolba or in the chicken coop, her caring presence will be here. And you remember that whenever you feel like you need her here with you my child.